March On is an EP that was released December 18, 2020 – which I recorded at home. It’s a collection of songs about remaining optimistic and motivated through a year of pandemic and lockdown, though I’ll admit it wasn’t always easy for me. Ultimately it’s a positive EP, and my hope is that some listeners who have lost their way this year might find it reassuring or even inspiring.
The best place to purchase is my store — you can get a nifty face mask along with the MP3s! You can also listen on Spotify, YouTube (both embedded below for your convenience), or purchase/stream from your favorite digital store or streaming site/app.
- Can You Still Remember December?
- What You’ve Got
- March On
- Better Luck Next Year
Can you still remember December
What it felt like to look forward to a new year
You probably resolved to get out more
Living it up with loved ones or pursuing a career
Now it’s been eight months since dreams had the power to come true
I think we’ll all have PTSD before this year is through
Can you still remember February
Laughing at the early toilet paper hoarders
Looking at China, saying we felt sorry
As if we weren’t speaking obvious last words
Can you still remember the beginning of March
That first time you went into a public place
Told you could no longer hold your loved ones in your arms
And everybody had a T-shirt covering their face
But I hope that what we’ll take with us is to never take anything for granted
Like most of us did for our whole lives before this
Can you still remember December
And do you think you’ll remember it 20 years from now
And when you do, will it pick you up or push your spirit down
Can you still remember December
Little Joey Parker lived for the game
When it was on he watched, when it wasn’t he played
So when the virus swept through the town, and all gathering had to be stopped
He didn’t know what to do
He sat around for a good few days
Wondering if he’d ever laugh again
But one day he realized, in spite of all we can’t control
We take control of what we can
And he stopped pitying himself, and he took in some deep breaths
And he started to do some drills
He said I can’t be sure if things will ever be the same
But I can tell you when we get back on that field again
I’m going to be better than I’ve ever been
I’m going to be the best this town has ever seen
It’s about making the best with what you’ve got
Making the best with what you’ve got
All I ever wanted was to sing on a stage
When my heroes played I watched, when they didn’t I played
So when the virus swept through the town, and all gathering had to be stopped
I didn’t know what to do
I sat around for a good few days
Wondering if I’d ever laugh again
But one day I realized, in spite of all we can’t control
We take control of what we can
And I stopped pitying myself, and I took in some deep breaths
And I started to chase my next goals
I said I can’t be sure if things will ever be the same
But I can tell you when we get back on that stage again
I’m going to be better than I’ve ever been
I’m going to be the best this town has ever seen
It’s about making the best with what you’ve got
Making the best with what you’ve got
And that’s how I made the year that everybody hates work for me
And I can’t be sure if things will ever be the same
But I can tell you when we get back to our lives again
You can be better than you’ve ever been
You can be the best this world has ever seen
It’s about making the best with what you’ve got
Making the best with what you’ve got
Schedule’s packed full of video chats with
People who make me happy
Not quite the same as the times I’ve sat next to
People who make me happy
I won’t be taking that for granted when we’re all back
Where’s that sense of community gone?
Wherever you go it can live on
Even now the human spirit rolls along
Wherever you go it can live on
It’s just a matter of time until the next dawn
And all the things that make us human march on, march on
And everything that’s good in the world marches on, marches on
Can’t sleep because I’m up late daydreaming, staring at the ceiling
But it’s better than up late anxious, staring at the ceiling
I’ve got a feeling that I’m just not meant to sleep
I thought music and my dreams were dead but
I got no reason to give up on it yet
Creativity lives in my head and I got no reason to give up on it yet
It won’t be long till we can sing together again
New Year’s Day is always a day when we’re expecting the very best
Hoping the last year’s failures weren’t what they seemed
So we made up a resolution and then we put it to the test
But this wasn’t the year to live any kind of dream
And give me a little more time, give me a little time
I’ve still got a lot of answers to find, and I’m gonna find them
Another year past, bad luck is still here
Maybe we’ll all have better luck next year
Guess I’m ready for the silly party favors and I’m ready to raise a toast
I always well up when I see the countdown drop
And just like we said all the other years we’ll say we’re gonna make the most of it
It’s just sometimes the most isn’t nearly as much as we thought