“The Fine Print” – MP3 album

The Fine Print – self-produced release June 18, 2021 – digital pre-order, 8 tracks.

Suggested price: $5.00

Minimum price: $1.00



This is the best place to purchase the download of my new album, The Fine Print. It’s the cheapest price (in fact, it’s pay-what-you-want with just a $1 minimum for 8 songs!), and almost all of your payment will get to me directly.


  1. The Bench at the Top of the World
  2. Boulder
  3. Have You Ever Slept with the Lights on?
  4. Forever Young
  5. The Artless Artist
  6. The Fine Print
  7. Anxiety
  8. I’ll Bring My Voice

Any problems with your album download, feel free to email me.

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